I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Utah, with a shared appointment between Economics and the School of Environment, Society & Sustainability. My research interests lie broadly at the intersection of environmental change and livelihoods. My work to date has focused on environmental policy, conservation, land use, and the relationship between inequality and the environment. I am particularly excited about applications of novel remote sensing or biodiversity data. I enjoy collaborating with people from a variety of disciplines. 

I joined the U after a postdoc at Yale University in the SPIRES lab. Prior to Yale, I completed my Ph.D. at UCSB's Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, where I worked as a researcher for emLab on projects funded by CGIAR's Standing Panel on Impact Assessment and the Arnhold Family Foundation. 

When not thinking about environmental economics, I can be found casting a fly to a hungry trout or hiking on one of the local trails. 

<<Top image: Lago Abascal, Hualaihué, Los Lagos, Chile, March 2022>>